The treadmill is up and running!! The boxes in the living room have stayed put but I think today is the day that we'll tackle that mess. I just can't stand looking at them anymore.
I ran on the treadmill yesterday for the first time. It was awesome!
Here's my list of reasons that having a treadmill in my own house is amazing:
1. I can run whenever I want (even at night).
2. I don't have to go out into the cold or worry about slipping on snow and ice.
3. No more tripping on uneven sidewalks (yes, I've been known to take a few spills...).
4. I can do ridiculous tae bo moves with my arms while speed walking- people would stare at me if I did that at the gym!
5. No more headphones- the ipod plugs into the treadmill speakers.
6. I can sing out loud to good parts of songs while I'm running (again, people would stare at me at the gym).
7. No more waiting for treadmills during busy times at the gym or having to drive there.
8. Temperature control! The treadmills at our gym are in the front window and the sun is terribly hot during the day. The whole gym feels like a sauna, in general. Now I have a fan blowing directly on me. It makes a difference!
9. Motivation to run everyday! Sometimes I just want to walk but feel like it's not worth going to the gym. Usually if I get on the treadmill to walk, I end up running.
10. We finally have a purpose for our "office". Yes, it's still messy but now we actually go into that room. We literally never used the desk in that room before.

So there you have reasons for loving the treadmill.