Sunday, September 8, 2013

Beyond Excited!

* Written on June 24th *
Wednesday, June 19 was a life changing day! We couldn't be more excited! Although I won't be posting this until much further down the road, I wanted to capture my feelings and thoughts closer to the event!

For several days, I felt like something was up. I took a test on Monday (knowing it was probably too soon) and it was negative. On Wednesday, I just had the urge to try again and couldn't believe my eyes when I saw..."Pregnant"! I freaked out a little! Gil was at work while all this was going on, mind you. I hopped in the car and drove to CVS to buy another test...just to be sure! Sure enough, the second test was pregnant! I was so excited to tell Gil. He was working a little late and then going to workout. I texted him and said that I wanted to hang out, so he should skip his workout that night. Of course, he said he really wanted to get a workout that meant I had to wait. I was going to make dinner for us and tell him over dinner, but I got so hungry I couldn't wait and ate without him. So pretty much by the time he walked in the door, I couldn't keep the news in anymore. "You're gonna be a daddy!!" He was really happy and claimed he wasn't surprised. Well, I was! Then he high fived me. Haha. That part cracked me up.

I'm currently about 4 weeks preggo and so happy and excited!! I feel great and don't really have any symptoms besides having to pee all the time! A couple of days before I found out, I had some pretty big headaches too. I've been hungrier than normal too (one of the things that tipped me off). I can always eat, but don't normally feel hungry so often.

It's awesome that it's summer so I can relax and be stress free. On the flip side, I'm having to work hard to keep myself busy or the time is going to draggggg by! I took a trip to IKEA today and am doing some house things, so that's keeping me busy. Next week we have a wedding to go to and it's 4th of July, so we will be in Grand Rapids a lot. So excited to head to the West side!

I have been running pretty much everyday. I have to run right when I wake up otherwise it is way too hot. It's been 86-88 degrees and humid the last few days. I'm really excited about having a healthy, active pregnancy. I've already been perusing  for some good workouts. I don't know if it's just in my head or not, but my body has felt slightly heavy and sluggish when I have run the past couple of days so I've kept my pace pretty slow. I'm only going about 1-2 miles just to take things easy and walking a lot. In the evenings, I've been walking Laila. Gotta keep movin'!

So hard keeping this a secret!!!