Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Blue Skies, Summer Breezes, and Free Time!!

It's officially that time of year again...summer vacation! I really don't know how people have regular jobs without the promise of a summer vacation every year.

Our last day of school was on Thursday. I went in on Friday to finish up end of the year stuff and to pack up  my room. I'm going to be teaching first grade again in the same room, but everything gets packed up so they can clean over the summer. Before I took everything down, I took a bunch of pictures on my phone so I could remember how I had everything for next year (although I'm planning to change a bunch of things in my room). It was looking pretty bare in there by the end of Friday!

The end of the school year was a whirlwind as usual. I'm pretty much just relaxing this week and next week I will be more productive. Today I ran, returned books to the library, shopped a little at one of the stores on Main Street, bought ingredients for cookies, and now I'm doing laundry. I personally count that as one productive day during the first week of summer break!

I bought this dress today for a wedding in  July...cute or not cute? It's a floral print, if you can't tell.

Yesterday Laila and I headed over to the Lansing area to hang out with Erin. Laila was pretty excited to have a playdate with her boyfriend. Somehow Laila managed to get out of the fenced in backyard and wandered a little ways down the street. Luckily I noticed right away and ran to go find her...heart stopping!! She was greeting a neighbor when I found her, by the way.

And finally, Gil's parents adopted a dog named Rya. She is a 3 year old pretty! I can't wait to meet her.