Monday, February 21, 2011

Checking In With Myself...

It's already February 21st, so I think it's about time I take a look back at the New Years Resolutions that I set to see how I'm doing.

Resolution #1 was to run 211 miles over the course of the year. I have to be honest, I haven't been running lately. The winter is a bad, bad time if you ask me. It's dark out when I leave for work & dark when I get home. I feel cooped up in the house and usually want to get in my pajamas immediately upon entering the house, thus skipping the whole workout part of my day. Lame, I know.

So...I haven't been running as often as I want, but so far I've racked up 52 miles. Decent. Although after talking to my best friend who was inspired by my mileage goal setting, she made her own goal- which blew mine out of the water. Haha. She's always been an overachiever. :)

Resolution #2 was to run the 10k in the Riverbank Run in May. Training started today and I did the obligatory 2 miles. So far, so good. Our treadmill is great!

Resolution #3 was to regularly use MyFitnessPal in the hopes of avoiding junk food. I will also be honest here...I used the program for about a week and then fell off the wagon. This totally defeats the purpose, but when I would eat something "bad" I just wouldn't use the program that day. I'm going to have to refocus myself on that one.

Resolution #4 was to stay organized. This one has also only been going okay. I have mid-winter vacation right now and plan to get some major organizing done around the house. Our house lacks some major closet space, so I've decided that I need to get a bit more creative with finding organization solutions and that I also need to use the closet space that we do have a bit more efficiently. In the classroom, I did some spring cleaning/organizing before leaving for the week.

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