Saturday, May 28, 2011

A Note About the Rain...

Why, rain? Why must you continue to fall???

Normally, I like a good rain or thunderstorm. But day after day, it gets a bit old. Indoor recess = THE WORST THING EVER. Also, I'm sick of drying Laila off every time she comes inside.

Our lilac bushes were looking & smelling amazing around the house...but the heavy rains took care of that and now most of the blooms are on the ground. It was premature. Boo.
It was nice while it lasted.

On another note, I found these at Meijer and think they are super cute. I kind of want to get a few for the basement. The tops come off so we would get a bit extra storage for blankets and things. Black or green, black or green?
And finally, happy Memorial weekend to you! This long weekend is highly needed around here!


  1. Those storage cubes are so cute :) Love when I find things like that at Meijer! And Agree . . .rain + end of the year = ready to call the school year over that day!

  2. Oh, I totally agree. The kids are soo done. My kids only get a week off and then they have summer school. Poor kids!
