The past couple of days I have been busy around the house. I decided to take on some of the projects that have been hanging over my head like a dark cloud...namely the treadmill room and the laundry room. These two areas were getting pretty outta control. I can't believe how much storage space we actually do have, now that we're using it well. So glad we whipped those spaces into shape...(I just tried to write a whip sound...but couldn't figure out how to spell it...think about it)!
First up, we have some before and afters of the treadmill room, otherwise known as my arch nemesis. The problem with this room is that I couldn't figure out what we needed it for. The desk isn't in there anymore, so it's not an office. It basically has the treadmill, our computer printer and shelves. To start, I sat down and thought about how we wanted the room to function.
Before: The shelves were just holding unorganized stuff.
After: Organized! Boxes with labels in the middle. There are actually empty shelves left over. Yay.
Before: The computer printer + some grocery bags?
Before: Gil likes technology. There were boxes with tons of random cords that I didn't want to get rid of, but I also had no idea what to do with!
After: I found this cord organization idea on Love that website!
I can't believe how bare the room looks now!
Next up...basement closet (that I never go in because I'm scared there are spiders in it).
Before: Stuff thrown in the bottom of the closet.
After: Floor space looks much better! I added shelves for more room on the side.
I put all our winter gear in tubs and found cute scrapbook paper to make labels. Not a huge difference, but makes me happy!
And last up, the laundry room.
Before: Where to start??
After: I bought a bunch of tubs from Target to corral all our stuff!
Before: Shelves were crammed...
After: Labeled containers make it easy to find everything!
It's amazing how much better I feel now that I've tackled those spaces! Thank you summer for time to do all of this!
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