Getting my hair did, ordering Jimmy John's.

Don't worry, she didn't go to the wedding like this.

There was a lot of hairspray involved that day.

The boys decorating.

We don't have an affinity for rats. It really said "Congrats", I promise.

This is funny simply because by the time we left our reception in Downtown GR, the cans had been taken by someone. They probably needed them more than us!

Gil sat around and contemplated the meaning of his vows all morning.

The girls stayed busy putting on makeup, sweating in the church basement while the boys enjoyed their air conditioning.

This look made it into more than one picture that day. Either I just look like this or someone was really making me mad. The wrath of a bride...

The boys giving Gil and I a "private" moment to see each other for the first time that day. :)

We got married on THE brightest, hottest day in July. Taking pictures outside went like this, "1, 2, 3 open your eyes!!" We were still squinting in a lot of them.

Not too hot for this, of course.

Definitely hot enough for this though.

I was simply a flawless bride.


I don't have a caption for this.

Here's a good one.

While the boys were doing this

and this, the girls were inside tending to my dress. The red flowers stained a tiny bit of my dress. NBD, although it didn't seem like that at the time!

Made it to the reception. We look exhausted already. We probably were.


On top of the baby grand.

Let the dancing begin...



Don't you love weddings?
nice posts. Great pics. It was a fun wedding and you were a beautiful bride.