The progress is slow, but I'm starting to feel like they might finish one day.
A smaller version of the main floor tile will be going into the laundry room:
On another note, Sarah and Kiki stopped by on Sunday to check out the (dusty) house for the first time and to visit. That girl has a lot of energy. She's sooo cute!!
She even says, "Cheese!" for the camera. She's pretty much at the stage where everything she does is adorable.
I've been feeling a bit guilty because I haven't been excited to go back to school (probably because I taught ALL summer). Today was our first work day and I'm happy to say that I'm starting to feel a little more excited. It took pretty much the whole day to rip down the old paper on the walls and to put up new. You can't imagine what a pain it is to try to put paper over chalkboards. It's starting to look a little better...except, I don't know what I was thinking, but I put up ORANGE paper all over the front wall. I'm more of a cool, calm colors person. Blues, greens, but definitely not orange. I don't think that's going to calm anyone down!