Monday, August 24, 2009


I promise my blog will get more interesting after the basement fiasco is over...well, I can't promise but you can hope! The simple things, like tile being laid, make me very, very happy these days.
Look, no holes in the floor!
The progress is slow, but I'm starting to feel like they might finish one day.

A smaller version of the main floor tile will be going into the laundry room:

On another note, Sarah and Kiki stopped by on Sunday to check out the (dusty) house for the first time and to visit. That girl has a lot of energy. She's sooo cute!!
She even says, "Cheese!" for the camera. She's pretty much at the stage where everything she does is adorable.

I've been feeling a bit guilty because I haven't been excited to go back to school (probably because I taught ALL summer). Today was our first work day and I'm happy to say that I'm starting to feel a little more excited. It took pretty much the whole day to rip down the old paper on the walls and to put up new. You can't imagine what a pain it is to try to put paper over chalkboards. It's starting to look a little better...except, I don't know what I was thinking, but I put up ORANGE paper all over the front wall. I'm more of a cool, calm colors person. Blues, greens, but definitely not orange. I don't think that's going to calm anyone down!


  1. So glad your house is soon to be back to normal. Something tells me even school will feel more normal (orange paper notwithstanding). Hey, my office is a warm orange color and it works for me.

  2. I bet it feels good to have the basement on it's way to normal :)

    I can totally relate to the lack of excitement about going back, and I didn't even teach all summer. I love getting the room ready, and once it is I know I'll be more excited for those kiddos to come! I know your room will look great!
