Sunday, September 13, 2009

An Example of Why Homeownership Can Stink...

So, I'm returning from grocery shopping at Trader Joe's. I pull into the driveway. I hear a strange noise like a tree branch hitting the car. "Hmm, wonder what that was," I think. Get out of the car to get groceries and what do I find? A BLOODY SQUIRREL flopping around as it dies. OMG. I stand behind my car hiding for about 3 minutes before I get up the courage to run inside to get the husband. Obviously it fell out of one of our tall trees and hit my car. Gross!

Now, what to do with a bloody, dead animal? We call the non-emergency police number to find out if animal control can come to dispose of the squirrel. Instead they tell us, "Just get a shovel and hit it or back over it with your car and put it in the trash." Doesn't that seem unsanitary, wrong, and disgusting? Shouldn't there be a government service set up to deal with dead animals???

So as I type, my poor husband is spraying down the driveway. Worst. Thing. Ever. It's instances like this that I miss our old apartment where maintenance would've dealt with it!


  1. Oh yuck! That is not a good thing!

  2. At least this takes your mind off the plumbing nightmare...Do you remember the duplex we shared with Gma B? When we first moved in there was a shed attached to the back of the house. We noticed Racoons getting into it through a hole, so I blocked up the hole thinking we'd keep them out. Didn't realize until about a month later when we tore down the shed that I'd actually blocked a critter IN!! Decrepit, poor, dead too went in the trash.
